ABSOLUTE favourite at the moment is Jenloveskev.com
Jen has THE perfect maternity style, not only that, but her daughter does
outfit posts, which is quite frankly delightful! I want to be both of them!
I especially love how she wears skirts whilst pregnant. This is something that i've been skeptical about but she has given me the confidence to try it out. I've actually scoped out a skirt near identical to this, so can't wait to try it out! Watch this space! Oh and go check out her blog!
Next up, a website which I stumbled across and now that I have, it adds to my list of envy for children's fashion! The website Poco Nido and it is a feast for the eyes! Apart from the fact they both have my favourite animals on, I love the style of their items and plan on buying some of the shoes for sure.
Another website I stumbled across recently was Nippaz with attitude which is filled with baby grows, wall art and music. One item in particular has made it to my "BABY NECESSITY" list:
And finally, another blog. I found this via a shout out on livejournal for mum blogs. This blog, www.mamauk.net is set up in an online magazine style. The editor also owns a shop (which sells amazing onsies-ALSO on the "BABY NECESSITY" list!
That green one has DINOSAURS on it! My child is getting that whether it's a boy or girl!!!!
So there we have it, my current loves, go check them out and let me know what you think!