Friday 5 April 2013

Dropside cot or not dropside cot?

I spent last night deliberating over cots.  Trying to decide how neccesary a dropside and teething bars are.  After a lot of research I realised a)They didn't even exist when I was a child and b) people who did get ones with teethbars found the child usually bit everywhere else but the teething bars.  So that's those two issues sorted.  So now for the actual cot. 

Whilst trawling through the websites of Mothercare, Toysrus, Mamas and Papas, Argos, Kiddicare I compared prices.  For what you get in comparison to one another, some of them were charging a lot more than others.  Obviously with somewhere like Mamas and Papas you get some really high quality shizzle, but that's different.  I looked at the same cot on Mothercare and Argos and Mothercare were charging a fair amount more.  Don't get me wrong, I don't want to get any old piece of crud, but equally I don't want to pay more than I should! I had considered buying the cot secondhand and just buying the mattress new, however I then stumbled across the perfect package in my eyes.  So this is what Baby me is going to be spending (hopefully) the first four years of her life in:

It's from Kiddicare and for £134.99 it includes: the cot, sweet dreams mattress, Blue quilt and bumper.  There is actually a cheaper package deal for a cheaper mattress but I figured for a tenner more but a nicer mattress it's worth it.  This cot bed is meant to last the child until she is four, although I shall see about that! It has three different heights, so the fact it hasn't got a dropside isn't important because you can have it up enough to reach and gradually more the height down as the baby grows.  Not only this, but I ordered it last night and it comes Monday in theory, which is impressive for a large piece of furniture!



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